Research projects |
I am currently working on a collaborative project on Kant's practical philosophy, funded jointly by the AHRC and the DFG, with Martin Sticker (Bristol), and Corinna Mieth & Ewa Wyrębska-Đermanović (Ruhr-Universität Bochum). I've previously been involved in two major EU-funded research projects on children's health, the IDEFICS and I.Family studies. I have also been involved in two projects with colleagues at Lancaster University, one on media representations of obesity and one on co-designing ways to improve dialogue between people and organisations (Leapfrog). I also advise on some other health-related projects, including the Digital Public Health campus in Bremen. |
The IDEFICS & I.Family studies (2006-11 / 2012-17)The IDEFICS study created a cohort of over 16.000 children and their families across eight European countries, as well as piloting an intervention study to encourage healthier living. It was funded by the European Union (FP6 Integrated Project), and coordinated by Wolfgang Ahrens, Bremen University. I was responsible for the ethics and policy components. Our book, Childhood Obesity: Ethical and Policy Aspects (OUP, 2014) originated in this project.
The I.Family study followed the IDEFICS cohort of children into their teenage years, to study the effects of different environments, socio-economic factors, diets and behaviours on health and development. It was funded by the European Union (FP7 Collaborative Project), and again coordinated by Wolfgang Ahrens, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS) & Bremen University. I was responsible for ethical aspects, policy implications and stakeholder involvement throughout the project. As part of these studies, I have contributed to a range of collaborative scientific papers, listed on my full Lancaster University page. |
Projects at Lancaster UniversityMedia representations of obesity (2018-2020) – a project in the Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science, funded by the ESRC. Led by Paul Baker, we are looking at stigmatising aspects of obesity discourse in British newspapers and online reader responses.
Leapfrog - transforming public sector consultation by design (2015-18). This was a 3 year Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project, led by Leon Cruickshank and collaborating with Glasgow School of Art. We worked with public sector and community partners to design and evaluate new approaches to public engagement. |
Scientific advisory boardsI am (or have recently been) an advisor on the following projects: